Thursday, October 7, 2010

Charlottes Web

          In CHARLOTTE'S WEB  there are more than one type of friendships.there is Wilbur and Fern's friendship, Wilbur and Charlotte's friendship, and last but not least... Templeton's friendships. all the friendships in the barn are different.Wilbur and Ferns friendship is more serious than any other relationships in the book. Wilbur and Ferns friendship is more like a mother and son friendship because Fern raised Wilbur since he was a baby. she is like his mother but didn't actually give birth to him of course. Fern washed, played, bathed, fed, walked, loved, and cared for Wilbur.when Wilbur moved into the farm Fern clould've just forgotten about Wilbur and go on with her life but she didn't.... Although she wasn't as involved when Wilbur moved into the barn. She did visit him and spend time with him and the animals. There is no friendship stronger than Fern and Wilbur's friendship.
          Charlotte and Wilbur's friendship is stronger than the other friendships besides Fern and his. Charlotte to me is like a second Fern. She cares a lot for Wilbur and protects Wilbur from anything if she can. For example when the lamb told Wilbur they were going to slaughter him to eat him.Charlotte thought of a plan to write a message in her spider web that said: SOME PIG. Those two words stood out to the farmer when he went to feed the animals. he thought it was a sign that Wilbur is special and they shouldn't kill him. soon the word was spread and Wilbur was saved. Charlotte was a friend to Wilbur when nobody was. Charlotte and Wilbur have a sister and brother friendship.
          Templeton doesn't have any friends in the barn. i don;t think he any friends period. i think he has no friends because he is rude, greedy, selfish, and mean. He is that way with all the animals. Most humans think that rats are disgusting and greedy. like what the animals thought of Templeton. That's a text to world connection. None of the animals in the barn like Templeton so therefore he has no friends. i think Templeton always goes to the dump because he is lonely. i think Templeton wants friends but doesn't know how to make friends. He was probably raised to be mean and selfish. I feel bad for Templeton but at the same time i don't. i think someday Templeton will make friends.

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